
Fate core shell
Fate core shell

fate core shell

  • Cheat Code: Several of them, but the master code is "IMAREALWEENIE".
  • Call a Smeerp a Rabbit: Certain monsters - especially Thunder Cats (which, in spite of vaguely feline gait and ecosystem role, look more like stone rhinos) and various things marked as spiders and beetles which look very little like their Earth equivalents.
  • In the ending cinematic, you see the tattoos right there.
  • Brick Joke: Maya has to get tattoos on to sneak into Connor's fortress.
  • Oddly enough they can see this form of bioluminescence even though they are otherwise completely blind.


    Bioluminescent plants/fungi are everywhere and the natives, the Underlost, communicate partially through flashing and scanning bioluminescent patterns via a patch on their 'foreheads'.

  • Bioluminescence Is Cool: Shell 7 is huge on this.
  • BFS: Gemma's Blade, which Doskias acquires a ways into the game.
  • This turns out to be a massive Chekhov's Gun: by raising the proper continents to the upper shells, they form a rune pattern which grants Septerra access to the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Artificial Gravity: The Doomsday Weapon works by creating a gravitational disturbance which causes the target continent to rise up out of its World Shell and crash into the underside of the shell above.
  • All Myths Are True: And you can summon them.
  • Actually Four Mooks: When you pick a fight with a cluster of enemies, there are about 50% odds that there's at least one more hiding offscreen.

    This PC game is currently available on Good Old Games. Maya, the main character, accidentally discovers part of his insane plan, and decides to stop him. He plans to save the world, whether the world wants it or not. According to the prophecy, millennia later the world would be in great danger and the keys will be used to save it.Ĭhosen Lord Doskias, a direct descendant of Marduk and total Jerkass, believes the time has come and he is the Messiah. Descendants of Marduk and his Army of the Seven Winds became the Chosen. Marduk gathered an army of people from each Shell, took two demon swords, found Gemma (with little help from Trickster Dogo) and after a hundred day battle, trounced him and threw him into the Pits of Janak. The Creator sent his son, Marduk, to save the day and give this punk a lesson. Gemma, God of Evil, stole the keys to the Core and kidnapped Kyra, angel of light, whom he wanted to become his wife/sex slave (he's a god of evil, is there any difference?). Best place for a holiday ever, yes?Īccording to the mythology, Septerra was built by the Creator, who placed a mysterious artifact in the center of the Core, that would grant the user ultimate power. Shell Two is a big desert whose inhabitants survive by scavenging the garbage dropped on their homes by the Chosen, egotistical noblemen from Shell One. Shell Three is the closest thing to Heroic Fantasy you can find in this world. Shell Four is home to the World Bazaar, with all the requisite thieves, smugglers, and hookers. Shell Five is home to two technologically advanced and eternally warring countries. Shell Seven is closest to the Core, and the radiation levels turned everything into Mutants. The center of the planet is the immense biocomputer Core, and seven sets of continents, called World Shells, are orbiting around it, each above another. Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator takes place on possibly the strangest planet in the history of fiction, right after Discworld. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.įinal Fantasy meets Planescape: Torment, that's the best way to describe this game. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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  • Fate core shell